I'm glad to announce that scala-recog's builds are hosted on scala-tools now!
More info about how to include the build with SBT on the project's main page.
I'm glad to announce that scala-recog's builds are hosted on scala-tools now!
More info about how to include the build with SBT on the project's main page.
In this wiki page I have put some example on the flexibility you can reach using stackable modification.
Indeed my effort on logistic regression on scala-recog was to get the more flexibility without getting rid of the optimizations needed by a training algorithm.
What I would like to reach, anyway, needs an extra effort. I would like a very general library, unaware of the domain.
For example, I would like to write something like this:
import org.scalarecog.logisticregression.SigmoidClassifier._ val myStuff = List( Stuff(3, 2.1, "just"), Stuff(2, 1.1, "an"), Stuff(3, 1.2, "example") ) val trainingSet = myStuff toTrainingSet ( _.number, _.number2), _.classLabel ) val classifier = trainingSet.train
But, I would like also to reach this kind of flexibility, with monads:
val classifier = ( for(stuff <- trainingSet; writer <- stuff.toWriter ) ) train (classifier.log) foreach(println(_))
Maybe this could be achieved providing a support for monads in training sets, as in this example of Tony Morris.
case class Person( val hasCertifications : Boolean, val isTalkative : Boolean, val golfClub : Boolean, val hasMasterDegree : Boolean, val job : String ) val persons = Person(hasCertifications = true, isTalkative = false, golfClub = false, hasMasterDegree = true, job = "Programmer") :: Person(hasCertifications = false, isTalkative = false, golfClub = false, hasMasterDegree = true, job = "Junior Programmer") :: Person(hasCertifications = true, isTalkative = false, golfClub = false, hasMasterDegree = false, job = "Programmer") :: Person(hasCertifications = false, isTalkative = true, golfClub = false, hasMasterDegree = true, job = "Seller") :: Person(hasCertifications = false, isTalkative = true, golfClub = false, hasMasterDegree = false, job = "Seller") :: Person(hasCertifications = true, isTalkative = true, golfClub = false, hasMasterDegree = false, job = "Seller") :: Person(hasCertifications = false, isTalkative = true, golfClub = true, hasMasterDegree = true, job = "CEO") :: Person(hasCertifications = false, isTalkative = false, golfClub = true, hasMasterDegree = false, job = "CEO") :: Person(hasCertifications = false, isTalkative = false, golfClub = true, hasMasterDegree = false, job = "CEO") :: NilIn the list persons I put my training set. To use the ID3 algorithm, just import the right object and use the list for training:
import org.scalarecog.decisiontree._ def toVector(p : Person) = Vector(p.hasCertifications, p.isTalkative, p.golfClub, p.hasMasterDegree) val dataset = persons map (p => (toVector(p), p.job)) val tree = new ID3[Boolean,String] buildTree datasetThe reason for toVector is that the ID3 class needs a Vector.
val newPerson = Person(false, false, false, false, "?") assert( tree.classify(toVector(newPerson)) == "Junior Programmer" )But it would be fine to see the decision tree created by ID3. With JGraph it's straightforward, and i get this: Hey, it's the real life! ^_^
package scalarecoggraph import org.scalarecog.decisiontree._ import javax.swing.JFrame import com.mxgraph.swing.mxGraphComponent import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraph class Program(tree : DecisionTree[Vector[Boolean], String], propertyNames : Vector[String]) extends JFrame("ScalaRecog") { type Tree = DecisionTree[Vector[Boolean], String] type Vertex = (AnyRef, (Double, Double)) draw() def draw() { val graph: mxGraph = new mxGraph val root = graph.getDefaultParent def draw(t : Tree, parentPos : (Double, Double), offset : (Int, Int)) : Vertex = { def createVertex(label : String, action : Vertex => Unit = v => {}) : Vertex = { val vertexSize = (100, 30) val newPos = (parentPos._1 + offset._1, parentPos._2 + offset._2) val created = (graph.insertVertex(root, null, label, newPos._1, newPos._2 , vertexSize._1, vertexSize._2), newPos) action(created) created } def createEdge(label : String, from : Vertex, to : Vertex) = graph.insertEdge(root, null, label, from._1, to._1) t match { case a : DecisionLeaf[Vector[Boolean],String] => createVertex(a.label) case a : DecisionBranchVector[String,Boolean] => createVertex(propertyNames(a.index), n => { for ( ((label, child), index) <- a.branches.zipWithIndex ) createEdge(label.toString, n, draw(child, n._2, (120*index, offset._2))) }) } } graph.getModel.beginUpdate try { draw(tree, (0, 0), (120, 120)) } finally { graph.getModel.endUpdate } getContentPane.add(new mxGraphComponent(graph)) } } object Program { case class Person( val hasCertifications : Boolean, val isTalkative : Boolean, val golfClub : Boolean, val hasMasterDegree : Boolean, val job : String ) def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = { val persons = Person(hasCertifications = true, isTalkative = false, golfClub = false, hasMasterDegree = true, job = "Programmer") :: Person(hasCertifications = false, isTalkative = false, golfClub = false, hasMasterDegree = true, job = "Junior Programmer") :: Person(hasCertifications = true, isTalkative = false, golfClub = false, hasMasterDegree = false, job = "Programmer") :: Person(hasCertifications = false, isTalkative = true, golfClub = false, hasMasterDegree = true, job = "Seller") :: Person(hasCertifications = false, isTalkative = true, golfClub = false, hasMasterDegree = false, job = "Seller") :: Person(hasCertifications = true, isTalkative = true, golfClub = false, hasMasterDegree = false, job = "Seller") :: Person(hasCertifications = false, isTalkative = true, golfClub = true, hasMasterDegree = true, job = "CEO") :: Person(hasCertifications = false, isTalkative = false, golfClub = true, hasMasterDegree = false, job = "CEO") :: Person(hasCertifications = false, isTalkative = false, golfClub = true, hasMasterDegree = false, job = "CEO") :: Nil def toVector(p : Person) = Vector(p.hasCertifications, p.isTalkative, p.golfClub, p.hasMasterDegree) val dataset = persons map (p => (toVector(p), p.job)) val tree = new ID3[Boolean,String] buildTree dataset val newPerson = Person(false, false, false, false, "?") assert( tree.classify(toVector(newPerson)) == "Junior Programmer" ) val frame = new Program(tree, Vector("Has certifications?", "Is talkative?", "Likes playing golf?", "Has a master degree?")) frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) frame.setSize(400, 320) frame.setVisible(true) } }Enjoy!
In a tweet I jokingly proposed to abolish the static
keyword in all (garbage collected) languages.
At the beginning it was just a joke, but then i wonder:
can I get rid of static?First of all: why get rid of static? Because it's a source of troubles.
We have a class and a harmless static method to build it up:
public class DumbClass { private String foo; public String getFoo() { return foo; } public void setFoo(String foo) { this.foo = foo; } private String initializedStuff; public String getInitializedStuff() { return initializedStuff; } private DumbClass(String foo, String initializedStuff) { this.initializedStuff = initializedStuff; this.foo = foo; } public static DumbClass create(Context c) { return new DumbClass( c.doSomethingToGetFoo(), c.doSomethingToGetStuff() ); } }Requirements always change, Alan Shalloway docet, so a customer wants foo in CamelCase rather than UPPERCASE. Case must not change for all other customers, so I would say:
Easy to do: I will create a new library for that customer and put a class extending.. OOps, I can't! It's a static method. What if I had an abstract factory, instead?
public class DumbClass { private String foo; public String getFoo() { return foo; } public void setFoo(String foo) { this.foo = foo; } private String initializedStuff; public String getInitializedStuff() { return initializedStuff; } DumbClass(String foo, String initializedStuff) { this.initializedStuff = initializedStuff; this.foo = foo; } } public interface IDumbClassFactory { DumbClass create(Context c); } public class DefaultDumbClassFactory { public DumbClass create(Context c) { return new DumbClass( c.doSomethingToGetFoo(), c.doSomethingToGetStuff() ); } }Then I would make a wrapper of DefaultDumbClassFactory or I would make another implementation of IDumbClassFactory: it would work!
The moral of the story: don't use static methods, especially public ones!
Sometimes you want keep a counter of instances of a certain class to know how many of them you have in memory. Ok, I would do it with a static field:
public class Foo { private static int howMany; public Foo(Something s) { howMany++; } ... }After a year you find out that nobody reads that counter anymore and, once deployed your library on a web server running continuously for two years, it could get negative (integer overflow) or cause an exception, unhandled, of course. Or you will need that it doesn't trace derived class or you will need the counter to be saved in a database and then? You find out that you need an abstract factory.
Now: when I'm going to write static, I stop, think it over and finally I nearly alwasy I write: interface